Mind Power Author Stephen Richards

Mind Power Author Stephen Richards

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

The Money Consciousness By Stephen Richards

This power within us is unfathomable! But did you know, we cannot receive it unless we give it. Using it is the condition by which we hold this inheritance.

The old adage of the more we give, the more we get stands true. Look at the industrious person in life who wishes to get on, first they must make use of the strength, drive and focus of mind they have, and the more they give the more they will get. The person who wishes to make money must make use of the money they have, for only by using it can they get more.

This is the same of channeling the energy from oneself for the good of others, it just has to garner results.

The business which fails to give proficient service will soon lack customers; the personal trainer who fails to get results will soon lack clients, and so it goes everywhere!

Our mind power is reliant on a fitting use of the power already in our possession. This is true in every field of enterprise and every happening in life.

So when we give out our energy to a common cause like winning the lottery, then that is when we can see the returns of what we have given out.

All we are in possession of is the result of the snowballing attitude of our minds.  There is a thing called “the money consciousness”, this is the magick wand of the mind! This is what will enable you to receive

However, your mindset must be sharp and clear-cut on what it is you want. It’s a pointless exercise to have one ideal today, another tomorrow, and a third next week! All this does is cause scatter-brained thoughts to molest our subconscious mind! It will accomplish nothing; the result will be a meaningless and chaotic!

So keep your mind sharp and focused on the outcome, for we are all WINNERS!

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