Mind Power Author Stephen Richards

Mind Power Author Stephen Richards

Monday 24 December 2012

Miraculous Money Manifestation Affirmation By Stephen Richards

Because I have given you this miraculous money manifestation affirmation for free, many of you will already have dismissed it. Fine, move on and forget it.

For those of you still with me, I am one of only two approved Master Trainer Cosmic Ordering Practitioners in the world. I do not take my work lightly, I do not do this as a part-time job or as a hobby. I have built my life up around it! I have, as a result of what I do, amassed a considerable amount of wealth from it.

Many of you have searched high and low for such a power affirmation, and, of course, there are many similar money affirmations around, which you can get for free after listening to some audio or video for about 20 minutes. Many will shroud their affrimation in words like "worthy", "love", "attract", "manifest", "abundance" and the likes. All of this added ballast just pulls the power out of the affirmation!

If you are looking for "flower words" for the soul then go find some la-la-land guru who will spin you a tale about how he/she had it tough and now, because of the special offer they are going to sell you, you can also gain the same sort of success they have had! Rubbish! My success is documented in my books, I don't need to falsify my past in order to sell you something!

Here, for free, is a very powerful affirmation. I don't need the money, so it's my gift to you.

Look at this affirmation below and just give it a cursory glance ... but for those of you with an open mind ... WoW! Use it wisely. Say it out loud, write it on a sheet of paper and stick it around some place so you can see it often ... then let it go from your mind and see what happens. Obviously not all will have succcess with it, as it does require a degree of intent on your behalf when saying it and meaning it.

Here it is:

"There is nothing around me but money, money, money."

Copyright Stephen Richards

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